Fundraising for charity

As some residents who know already I am a keen fund raiser, from time to time I raise funds for an Orphange in Ukraine, but I also help UK charities, over the last month or so I’ve had a number of dealings with the RLSS UK who are a long standing charity which aims to reduce drowning in the UK and around the world.

I’ve managed to raise £80 for them so far from friends and family and users of one of my websites, so I am pretty pleased, its not a massive amount but is the sort of money that may pay for a sign or something that may make a difference.  You can learn a little more about the RLSS via my corporate information website.  This is one of my slow burn business projects, which I enjoy developing but don’t really have my time to spare to work on.

I’ll keep at this campaign with the aim of reaching a much bolder target by later this year.


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